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How to Prevent Snoring With These Easy Remedies

Presently, snoring has become so common that most of us do not even care to address it as a problem anymore. In some cases, snoring can be prevented using simple techniques or over-the-counter (OTC) medicines. However, it might also be a symptom of more serious health problems like sleep apnoea. Besides taking a doctor’s advice on how serious your snoring is, given below are some easy remedies that can help you prevent snoring.

Control your body weight

An increase in body weight is one of the most common causes of snoring. If you gain weight around your neck, the tissues present in your air passages relax. This restricts the airflow in your air tube. While sleeping, your throat may constrict, creating vibrating sounds. If you are overweight, losing weight might be an effective option to prevent snoring. A balanced and healthy diet, along with regular exercise and timely sleep, will always go a long way!

Pay attention to sleep hygiene

At least 7-9 hours of daily sleep is necessary to avoid snoring, among many other health complications. The main cause behind this is the fact that your muscles don’t recuperate when you don’t get the essential rest you need. Workaholics beware: if you don’t get enough sleep time regularly, you may end up snoring when you’re finally asleep!

Stay snore-free with a clean and pet-free bedroom

Make sure you clean your bedroom and dust your pillows before heading to sleep. Otherwise, you might develop allergic reactions to dust mites that gather in pillows. Health professionals say that allergies reduce the airflow in your respiratory system. This may force you to breathe using your mouth, increasing your chances of snoring.

If you have pets and tend to snore, don’t allow them into your bedroom. Pets carry an irritant called animal dander, which also causes allergies related to the respiratory system.

Control your posture

Sleeping on your back makes your soft palate and tongue collapse. Relaxed, the base of your tongue shifts to the back of your throat. As a result, it partially blocks the airflow and leads to snoring. The solution? Just try sleeping on your side. In this position, your tongue is less likely to collapse and block your air passage.

Additionally, you can prop up your head’s level by a maximum of four inches. For this, you can use normal pillows. If you experience neck pain, try using pillows that are specifically designed to prevent your neck muscles from getting cramped. Moreover, you can use full-length body pillows to help you sleep on your side. Experts say that these remedies will free your air passage and reduce snoring.

Avoid alcohol, sedatives, sleeping pills, and tobacco

Smoking irritates the membranes in your nose and throat. This leads to tissue inflammation, which blocks the airways in your body. Try to give up smoking if you wish to lessen your bedtime noises! You can also seek professional help for this purpose.

Drinking alcohol, especially before going to sleep, relaxes the muscles present in your throat. This, in turn, hampers airflow while you sleep. On the days you do consume alcohol, avoid drinking at least two hours before your bedtime.

While sedatives and sleeping pills let you get deep sleep, they might also be the reason you snore at night. These substances not only affect your throat muscles but also affect breathing. Try contacting your doctor to address this issue and check whether the pills you take make you snore. If possible, avoid consuming sedatives before going to sleep.

Hydration is key

Physicians recommend drinking plenty of water to prevent snoring. When you are dehydrated, your nose and soft palate secrete stickier mucous. This eventually leads to nasal congestion and snoring. To avoid dehydration, women and men require about 2.7 liters and 3.7 liters of water, respectively.

Clean your nasal passages

Your nasal passages may get partly blocked or congested if you have a cold or allergic reaction. Since they lead to snoring, a hot shower before bed can keep your nasal problems away. Otherwise, try rinsing your sinuses with a saline solution; a neti pot will come in handy! Alternatively, you can use facial steam bowls. Breathe in enough steam to clear your nasal passages and sleep without a sound.

Exercise your tongue and throat muscles

Your over-relaxed tongue and throat muscles block your respiratory pathways. There is a simple exercise to avoid this: position the tip of your tongue behind your top teeth, and move it back and forth for a few minutes per day. If that is too boring, start singing in the shower every day!

Install humidifiers

Dry air in your bedroom might increase your chances of snoring. With humidifiers in your room, your throat remains lubricated with the added moisture. The moist air also ensures that your nasal tissues do not swell up.

Apart from these effective measures that will help you in reducing snoring; meditation and yoga is another promising practice that will lower your snoring problem. Finally, try to have a diet free of dairy or gluten products. With these precautions, you will surely have a sound(less) sleep!

All About Features of Newly Launched Salesforce Lightning

As per the announcement done by Salesforce in its Winter 17 release, Salesforce Lightning is the future CRM of Salesforce, the company also assured that the new Salesforce Lightning platform will change the way the users were using Salesforce platform so far. This new featured Lightning platform of Salesforce will provide a new designing and development environment to its users. Company also assured that it will also make the Salesforce app development task easier and simpler by providing the easy development environment to its users.

However Salesforce launched this new feature rich platform for its users, but also declared that Visualforce will also remain in existence. They have declared that Visualforce will not be outdated but no new feature will be added in Visualforce from now onwards. All the new features and releases will only be added into Lightning. The companies using Salesforce Classic must try to migrate to Salesforce Lightning and the Salesforce Developers must also develop the apps for Salesforce Lightning from now onwards.

List of Salesforce Lightning Features
A number of new features are added in the new Salesforce Lightning version, including Skype Call, Merge of Duplicate Leads, Quotes to opportunities, Kanban view and updated navigation. Apart from these basic features Salesforce also added a few new features into Salesforce Lightning like customization of Sales paths and Sales charts, through which sales people can easily manage and move the sales operation or sales deal easily. Through Sales paths they can also track any lead and check its progress, opportunity and contact the customers right from their dashboard without leaving their personal account. Through this new Salesforce Lightning the designers can easily design a new customized interface using drag and drop feature.

As a number of Salesforce users asked to add the easy to use features in Salesforce Classic, so the company launched this new Salesforce Lightning with a few useful and amazing features. Now the user can easily build the new customized components for Lightning application and even after developing these components they can be directly added to the Salesforce dashboard just through drag and drop. On the dashboard the user can either add existing Lightning components or the newly created ones. Due to drag and drop feature both Salesforce developer and non developer can now use Salesforce Lightning platform to build their customized components.

A few of the newly launched Salesforce Features are:

1) App Launcher and new apps
2) Easy Navigational menu
3) Multiple record creation facility
4) Option to save the records
5) Through Lightning help up to field level
6) Reply to the email just from the Salesforce
7) Product Addition through scheduling
8) Merging of identification of the duplicate lead
9) Quotes addition to opportunities
10) Skype Calling and chat
11) Subscription of report
12) Manage and track the campaigns, leads and contracts
13) Voice Calling
14) Pop up messages now actionable
Salesforce keep on launching the videos and tutorials for Lightning, which are useful for Salesforce developers and users both. User can easily access, view and learn the newly launched Lightning features. All the new features are added as per the user requirement in Salesforce Lightning. Through this new customizable, efficient, slicker and prettier interface Salesforce has tried to help its users to make their work quite easier. Now even Salesforce has become more useful and easy to use for both Salesforce developers and administrators. By learning the new features user can create the new customizable components for their business operations and even without any specific and knowledge of Salesforce platform.

Learning Platform
The new Salesforce Lightning platform is intuitive and elegant and can be easily used to create and customize the Lightning components, after that they can also be easily brought to the record page. Salesforce users even recommend this cloud based CRM platform to others, if they want to succeed in their business. Following resources may also help to learn the Salesforce, which are made available by Salesforce itself:

Trailhead: Easily accessible platform of Salesforce with all training material.
Pre-Release request
Dreamforce through which user can access Lightning Sessions
The Lightning platform is provided by Salesforce to develop the desktop and mobile friendly and compatible Salesforce components. Now the Salesforce Lightning components can be used through any device and at anytime. Any of the Sales representatives can use these Lightning components to generate the leads and manage the campaigns and even manage their other tasks as well. Now the customer information and data can be used by them to access the customer information at anytime whenever they require. They can access any of the customer related record easily and the customized salesforce app development can be used to manage any of the organizational specific operation.

Incredible and Amazing Benefits of Exercise

Incredible and Amazing Benefits of Exercise

Looking for great information about amazing benefits of exercise on the body, here is your required information. You follow a healthier eating habit, clean your teeth regularly and clean your skin to avoid acne’s and pimples. But for a healthier and fit body you have to follow physical exercise on a daily basis. It is necessary for a healthier lifestyle, for mental and physical fitness. You can maintain your fitness by following routine exercises on a daily basis. Here, you will find some of the major benefits of exercise.

Strengthens Muscles
Exercise strengthens your muscles. Strong muscles can help in burning more and more calories faster because if you have more muscle mass, you would be able to burn more calories. A regular exercise for a few minutes only can make your muscles stronger and can keep you fit and smart even when you are not doing exercise.

Strengthens Bones
When you do weight-bearing exercise such as running, dancing, jogging and walking, it strengthens your bones. It is one of the major benefits of exercise. You should do some weight-bearing exercise regularly to add more strength to your bones.

Reduces Stress
Most of the people know that physical exercise can make their bones and muscles stronger, but they do not know what effects it creates on the mind. There are some unusual exercises that can be followed to stress management. The regular exercise helps a lot in reducing the quantity of stress hormones in your body. As a result you will have relaxed and peaceful blood vessels, slower heart rate, normal blood pressure. After taking exercise, you will clearly see on the face the reduced tension of muscles.

Exercise for Healthier Skin
One of the major benefits of exercise is that it can give you a healthier skin. When you follow the exercise on a daily basis, the blood circulation increases and it helps a lot in detoxifying your body by discharging all of the toxins from body. The exercise helps boosting oxygen to the body and also increases the production of collagen in the body. Collagen is basically a connective tissue that helps plumping your skin. When you do exercise the blood flow increases incredibly and it brings improvements in the skin complexion.

Brainpower & Exercises
The regular exercises boosts blood circulation to the brain and your brain is able to receive nutrients and oxygen properly. Your brain waves work smoothly and faster and you start thinking quickly. You would be able to solve your problems in a better way.

Helpful in Controlling Weight
Exercise is greatly helpful in controlling weight. The weight watchers can maintain and enhance their fitness by engaging themselves in physical exercises. The weight-bearing exercises such as jogging; walking and running can boost your metabolism to a certain level and help in burning more and more calories. If you cannot follow running, jogging or walking, you should be active in the household work throughout the day to remain fit and smart. You can use staircase instead of elevators while doing grocery shopping. You can return your home on foot instead of hiring taxi.

In short, there are a lot of benefits of exercise. It can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes. It can also help in reducing anxiety and depression. You will be able to enjoy a better and healthier life if you take exercises on a daily basis.